


Capital Increase

Legal means whereby, upon prior approval of the board of directors and the general shareholders’ meeting, an increase in the company's share capital is carried out either by issuing new shares or increasing their par value. It must be done via a public deed and registered in the Companies Register.

Investment Portfolio

A portfolio of investments or securities is a certain combination of financial assets in which someone invests. An investment portfolio may consist of a combination of fixed income and equity instruments.


The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) is an agency under the Secretary of State for the Economy and Business Support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, founded in 1988 and responsible for monitoring the securities markets in Spain

Deal Flow

Number of potential investments that an investor reviews over a certain period of time.


A financial default, non-payment of the debt or suspension of payments arises when a person or organisation cannot meet the payment of the interest or principal of a debt on its due date. It occurs when a debtor cannot comply with the legal obligation to pay off their debt.


The dividend is the part of the profit that is distributed between the company's shareholders. It is the remuneration that shareholders receive for their ownership in the company. The amount is variable and is based on the annual results of the company. The dividend associated with a project is a percentage of the profits that the entrepreneur undertakes to distribute to shareholders when the company overcomes the initial stage of major expenses and investments and begins to generate recurring profits. It is a way to make a gain from an investment other than via an Exit. This percentage is included in the Partners Agreement and gives promoters an obligation with new investors.


Own funds are the company's liability due to the contribution of the partners and to the profits (or losses) generated during the year. Own funds (also called equity) represent the capital of a company that truly belongs to the owners.

Equity Crowdfunding

Equity Crowdfunding, Crowdequity, or Crowdfunding Investment, is an alternative means of investment that allows all investors, both natural and legal persons, to transparently invest in companies with growth potential through a technological platform. The investment is made by acquiring shares or shareholdings in the chosen company, thus participating in the future profits of the invested company (both for profit sharing and for acquisition by another company).


Procedure in which the investor or investors can make a profit from their investment in a company. The most common mechanisms are an IPO or the sale of all or part of the invested company.

Fair Value

Fair Value ( is a professional tool that will help you as an entrepreneur to know the actual situation of your project through a complete valuation report, based on a proprietary algorithm developed by our specialists in risk analysis, investment and finance.

Fair Value offers investors, accelerators and incubators a model that facilitates their decision making, as it allows them to objectively compare the quality and situation of totally heterogeneous projects.

The Advanced Fair Value Report provides a global Scoring and an area-based startup breakdown, an estimated valuation range, a complete X-ray of the project including its most outstanding strengths and weaknesses, and a set of recommendations for the entrepreneur.


The amount to pay for a service.


The main reference stock index of the Spanish stock exchange produced by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME). It is formed of the 35 most liquid companies listed on the Electronic Stock Market Interconnection System (SIBE) of the four Spanish stock exchanges (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia).

Tax Incentives

Encouragement or stimulus in the form of reductions or exemptions in the payment of certain taxes granted to taxpayers of said taxes to promote certain activities considered of public interest by the State. Saber más »

Objective Assessment Report

A document detailing all the points that the Quickers Venture analyst team has assessed for a company/project. It studies and details all aspects related to the company such as the entrepreneurial team, viability of the product/service, barriers to entry, regulation, patents, etc. A report will always be available for each project. The report has a cost that can be seen in our Fees. If you are a Premium investor, you will have free access to all the reports.


Technical and administrative knowledge essential to running a commercial process that is not protected by a patent but is decisive for a company to be commercially successful.

Lead investor

A professional investor to whom minority investors delegate their vote to facilitate the good work of the company in which they have invested, and that their investment is protected by someone with significant experience and knowledge in the world of alternative investments.

Mark to Market

Daily revaluation process of an investment that reflects its current value instead of its acquisition price or market book value.

Partners agreement

The partners agreement covers three large groups: transfer of shares and shareholdings, management bodies and a group that are other agreements. In this way your investment will be protected from desultory acts and the company will have enough breathing room to grow and develop, and thus be able to make profits.


Valuation of a company before a financing round. A company's pre-money valuation is the valuation before investors’ contributions.

Shareholding Price

A shareholding in economic terms refers to the way or ways in which an entity's share capital is divided. In particular, the concept of shareholding is specific to a Limited Liability Company and is structured or divided in a cumulative or indivisible manner. It can be compared to shares in Public Liability Companies.

Investor’s Deck

Investor Deck is a presentation of your project which is oriented to make it known for the potential investors. It should be perfectly reflected the product or service offered by the company, the target market it is directed to and the business model it has developed in order to monetize the idea properly.

Is also important to highlight the relevant metrics the company has achieved (previous years turnover, CAC, LTV, etc.), as well as a road map showing concisely the company’s action plan for the following years.

Finally, the amount the company is seeking for this round and the destination of the funds should be indicated.


The European Commission states that a company is an entity performing an economic activity, regardless of its legal form. The three main criteria to determine the type of company, and therefore whether it is an SME or not, are the number of employees, the turnover and its balance sheet.


A process based on 10 pillars that assign a score to the project. Quickers Venture only publishes projects that score over 65 points (out of 100). The 10 pillars are: 1. Investible: The project has to be susceptible to investment, it is not “anything goes”. 2. Team: a balanced team committed to the project, with the appropriate abilities to manage it. 3. Reputable: the entrepreneurial team must be above any suspicion or evidence of fraud and must have always acted honourably in their professional conduct or it is discarded immediately. 4. Market: the growth data is consistent with the potential market aimed at and that the project is being implemented at the right time. 5. USP (Unique Selling Point): what differentiates them from the rest, or what is on the market. 6. Competition: who says there is no market without competition? The important thing is to know the competition well, and that is not dominant. 7. Business model, scalable, profitable, with limited financing needs. 8. Traction: validated model, with metrics, growth vectors oriented to financial variables. 9. Projections: how can expenses and revenues progress and why. 10. Exit: every investor wants to know what the divestment process will look like. The projects have a standard partners agreement.


A start-up could be defined as a newly created company with huge possibilities for growth and, sometimes, a scalable business model. Although start-up can refer to a company in any field, it is usually used for those with a strong technological component and are related to the world of IT and the internet. Due to these characteristics, technology start-ups tend to differentiate themselves from other new companies in their growth possibilities and capital needs.

Minimum Ticket

It is the minimum amount set by each platform to invest in an opportunity or project. It is often referred to simply as a ticket. For example, if the value of each shareholding in a project is 10 euros, a minimum ticket of 20 shareholdings may be set for each investment (200 euros).


Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores

Constitutional Documents

Articles of association, shareholders’ agreement and any other relevant documents of the Company

Cooling Off Email and Cooling Off Period

The Cooling Off Email is An email sent to all Investors titled “Review your investment” as defined at clause 3.1.3 and the Cooling Off Period is the period specified in that email

Company Nominee Terms

the terms set out at Schedule 1 to this agreement


The Financial Conduct Authority

Legal Review

The legal review document attached to the Cooling Off Email, as defined at clause 6.9

Nominee or Nominee Company

Quickers Venture S.L. or any other company controlled by Quickers Venture S.L. or SPV controlled by Quickers Venture S.L., as defined at clause 2.1

Offer Period

as defined at clause 6.1 and displayed on the Pitch

Pitch Progress Bar

the progress bar displayed on the Pitch.


an investment proposition made by the Investee via the Website

Pre-Committed Investment

as defined at clause 11.1

Registration Process

as defined at clause 3.1


shares, other securities or instruments convertible into securities


Quickers’s payment provider Stripe Payments Europe Limited

Subscription Price

the subscription price specified in the Legal Review attached to the Cooling Off Email


Where a Pitch has an identified target, the Company raising investment equal to that target before the end of the Offer Period. Where a target is not identified on the Pitch, a Pitch is automatically successful on expiry of the Offer Period


as defined at clause 6.9


the website, mobile application or other means of accessing the Pitch, located at


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