Ethical Behavior

Investors willing to make a difference can join the Advisory & Partnership team. Welcome to the next level of the network.

As Quickers Advisors & Partners (A&P), we feel like sisters & brothers putting individuals at the center of our activities. We are called to understand the risks and rewards of investing to create the next generation of the best Human CEO’s and C-Levels. To be living proof that you can win in business while being human-first and leaving our planet in a better shape.

To become an A&P member, we look for extraordinary people actively involved in their communities, their universities, and their homes, contributing to important social causes in addition to the cause of economic development. If you're going to call yourself an “angel”, you should commit to a cause, and here we offer you a big one: become an Advisor & Partner.

What is a Quickers Advisor & Partner?

She/He is an exceptional individual willing to leave a footprint and transmit it to the next generations to improve the way we do Business Administration. They create the next generation of more humans, connected and willing to share C-Levels. A&P’s convey and connect in Steering Committee meetings.

What is Quickers Steering Committee?

It is a group of high-level advisors & partners who have been asked to supervise the organization or organizational segments and provide it with directions together with the Quickers Venture Board of Directors.

What Does a Steering Committee Do?

Steering committees oversee and manage the progress of a specific activity within the organization. This might be a special project, a add new values, continuing, or pivot strategic plans or even overseeing the board itself.

What criteria are needed to apply for A&P?

Just exceptional people. By exceptional we mean you really did & learned something extraordinary in your life that needs to be transmitted to improve how new generations behave in business Administration practices. As a rule of thumb, an A&P is:

·       Member of a Board of Director

·       C-Level Executive

·       Director of University or Scientific Park

·       Successful Entrepreneur

·       A high-net-worth individual (at least €1.0 million in liquid financial assets)

·       Ultra-high-net-worth individual (at least €30.0 million in liquid financial assets)

·       Executive Member of a VC firm

·       Executive with an impressive track record in one of our core industries

Does a Steering Committee member have to do any specific work?

No, your voice is your work. Although steering committees are heavily involved in these activities, they aren’t the ones doing the work. Instead, they work with a project manager to ensure a designated team can complete all tasks, using our Quickers board portal software to manage startup corporate governance, documents, communications, and reporting.

What does an A&P member do?

·       Guide and assist in designing transitions from Seed to VC

·       Help to evaluate investment opportunities: where what, when & how to invest

·       Assist in developing the strategy for investing

·       Facilitate negotiations of deals on behalf of startups when requested

·       Support and monitor the teams

·       Be an active learning player – to build experience and grow deal flow

Maintain yourself Authentic. Avoid groupthink in Quickers Venture Steering Committees

No matter the size of the group, there’s always the risk of groupthink. “Groupthink” refers to a group of people in which one or more people are afraid to express an opinion that varies from that of the majority.

As a result, they vote along the same lines as others in the group, even though they disagree internally. When committee members give in to groupthink, it defeats the purpose of bringing members together to gather diverse opinions and perspectives.

What benefits do I get from becoming an A&P?

·       Access to pre-screened deals every year through our formal meetings

·       Get premium and first access to new investments with a discount before any investor!

·       For your soul: you get a unique opportunity to mentor and “give back” to the next generation of Venture Capital & Alternative Investment. Your footprint stays forever.

·       Connect with new technologies in different countries backed by Universities

·       Benefit from the deep and broad expertise in the group, especially in areas typically outside an individual's comfort zone

·       Interaction and networking with other successful people for the building of strong friendships and business partnerships. A calendar of investment, social and educational events is planned each year.

·       Increases integration among European and North Africa Startup Opportunities

·       Ability to get exposure to other Angel Investor Partners around the world

·       Ability to get exposure to Corporations and improve their ability to merge technologies

You’ll be eligible for the Transparent Medal

As A&P you will be eligible for the “Transparent Medal” 😊. The Transparent Medal is the highest commemorative reward that Quickers Venture can give: a medal you can just hold on to your soul. Maybe, one of the most important medals in your life. The one that recognizes you forever, as a person that has successfully left a real footprint to improve the behaviors of the next generations.



We are engineers & economists, talented & curious. We believe in democratizing the private equity industry 100% online for talents, startup ventures, and investors so that they can focus on generating the difference they need to make.

We do so through our SaaS Venture Builder Technology that incubates ideas and certified businesses with the highest standards becoming investable startups for acceleration. 

We make information for investors transparent and available 24h/7d so that startups can gain credibility.

We act glocalwith tp incubators locally to generate their own high-quality-deal-flow portfolio and globally to grow with the best mentors and investors that fit.

We work there where ideas flow - with top universities, research centers, scientific parks, VC’s, accelerators, corporates, and banks in an ecosystem that helps them make a larger difference in the world in the following way:

Acting with authenticity, ethics and integrity

Prioritizing investors’ interests over any personal interests

Administer job obligations with care and good judgment

Act professionally and encourage professional behavior in others

Strengthen the integrity of capital markets and abide by the rules that govern them

Sustain and develop professional knowledge

With you, we become the venture builders of tomorrow’s backed companies.

Quick AI Europe Terms of Use

Updated: November 15, 2023 Effective Date: November 15, 2023


These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern the use of the Quick AI service within the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, and the UK. By accessing or using Quick AI, you agree to comply with these Terms.

Who We Are

Quick AI is an AI-powered service offered by Quickers Venture S.L., aimed at providing AI assistance on various platforms, including WhatsApp, Telegram, websites, and mobile applications.

Registration and Access

  • Minimum Age: Users must be at least 13 years old to use Quick AI services. Parental or guardian consent is required for users under 18.

  • Registration: Users are required to provide accurate information for account registration. Account credentials should not be shared, and users are responsible for activities under their accounts.

Using Our Services

  • Permissible Use: Users must comply with all applicable laws and adhere to Quick AI's usage policies while using the service.

  • Restrictions: Prohibition of illegal, harmful, or abusive activities, including infringement of rights, unauthorized modification or distribution, reverse engineering, data extraction, misrepresentation of AI-generated content, or interfering with the service.

Ownership and Use of Content

  • User Content: Input provided by users and the corresponding Output generated by Quick AI collectively constitute "Content." Users warrant they have necessary rights to provide Input.

  • Ownership: Users retain ownership rights in Input and claim ownership of the Output generated. Quick AI assigns any rights it holds in the Output to the user.

  • Usage of Content: Quick AI may use user Content to improve its services, comply with laws, and enforce its policies.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • All intellectual property rights related to Quick AI services belong to Quickers Venture S.L. Usage of the company's name and logo should adhere to the specified guidelines.

Paid Accounts

  • Subscription Services: Quick AI may offer enhanced features through paid subscriptions, with transparent fee structures and billing policies.

  • Cancellation and Refunds: Users have the right to cancel subscriptions within a specified period, and cancellation policies regarding refunds and termination should be clearly outlined.

Termination and Suspension

  • User Rights: Users have the right to terminate their accounts and cease service usage at any time.

  • Quick AI Rights: Quick AI reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts if violations of Terms occur or for legal compliance purposes.

Liability and Dispute Resolution

  • Liability: Quickers Venture S.L. is not liable for indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages. The aggregate liability under these Terms will not exceed the greater of the amount paid for the service or a specified limit.

  • Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be resolved based on Spanish and European Union laws, irrespective of the user's location.

Changes to Terms and Services

  • Quick AI may update Terms or modify services with advance notice, explaining reasons for changes.

Governing Law

  • The governing law for Quick AI services is Spain and the European Union, independently of the user's location.


1. Enhanced Collaboration Tools:

Streamlined communication: Connect and collaborate with your team seamlessly through improved messaging functionalities.

Shared resources: Organize documents, files, and key materials efficiently within project workspaces.

Real-time feedback: Provide and receive valuable feedback instantly to keep your projects on track.

2. AI-powered Acceleration:

Smart idea validation: Utilize AI tools to assess the viability of your business concepts for more informed decision-making.

Personalized guidance: Receive tailored recommendations and resources based on your project's specific needs.

Market analysis insights: Gain valuable data and insights to strategize your market approach effectively.

3. Simplified Investment Process:

Expanded investor network: Access a wider pool of potential investors interested in supporting your venture.

Streamlined fundraising tools: Submit your pitch materials and manage investor relations effortlessly.

Faster funding opportunities: Increase your chances of securing investment with enhanced visibility and investor matching mechanisms.

Privacy Preferences

When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information through your browser, usually in the form of cookies. Since we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to permit data collection from certain types of services. However, not allowing these services may impact your experience.